HP 3488A Switch Control Unit |
Der HP 3488A ist eine durch den HP-IP Bus gesteuerte Schalteinheit. Das Gerät mehrere Karteneinschübe, diese sind bestückt beispielsweise mit den verschiedensten Formen von Relais. Mit diesem Gerät werden vollautomatische Testabläufe möglich. Dieses mitlerweile günstig auf dem Gebrauchtmarkt erhältliche Gerät ist eine wahrhaft edle Alternative zu all den am Markt befindlichen Serial und RS232 Steuerplatinen mit logischen Ein und Ausgängen. The Hewlett Packard 3488A is a HP-IP bus controlled switch unit. The device consists of several plug-in relay cards. There are different type of relay cards available as 4*4 matrix relais, general purpose relais, VHF frequency relais and a digital input output card. This device can be controlled by any software with a HP-IP driver and GPIP card, the instrument was designed for automatic controlled test applications as manufactoring. |
simplified specification:OPTION 010 44470A Ten Channel Relay Multiplexer Modulemax. voltage 250VDC, 250VAC RMS, 350Vpeak maximum current (Per channel or module) 2 ADC, 2AAC RMS maximum power (Per channel or module) 60W DC, 500 VA AC Thermal Offset <3µV differential or single ended OPTION 011 44471A Ten Channel General Purpose Relay Modulemax. voltage 250VDC, 250VAC RMS, 350Vpeak maximum current (Per channel) 2 ADC, 2AAC RMS maximum current (Per module) 20 ADC, 20AAC RMS maximum power (Per channel) 60W DC, 500 VA AC maximum power (Per module) 60W DC, 500 VA AC Thermal Offset <3µV per channel Closed channel resistance <2 Ohm (end of relay life) Open Channel <7pF, closed channel <10pF, Channel Chassis <25pF OPTION 012 44472A Dual Four Channel VHF Switch ModuleMaximum voltage 30 VAC RMS, 42VAC peak Maximum Current (per channel) 30 mA DC, 300 mA AC RMS Thermal Offset <15µV per channel AC Isolation Performance (50 ohm termination) Insertion Loss (dB) <0,5 30 MHz, <0,75 100 MHz, <1,25 300 MHz Crosstalk (dB) <-100 30 MHz, <-85 100 MHz, <-65 300 MHz VSWR <1,06 30 Mhz, <1,12 100 MHz, <1,43 300 MHz Capacitance Center Center, Common Common <0,002 pF, Center-Low <70 pF, Low-Chassis <0,2µF Rise Time <0,7 nsec Signal Delay <2,5 nsec. OPTION 013 44473A Four*Four Matrix Switch Modulemax. voltage 250VDC, 250VAC RMS, 350Vpeak maximum current (Per channel) 2 ADC, 2AAC RMS maximum current (Per module) 2 ADC, 2AAC RMS maximum power (Per channel) 60W DC, 500 VA AC maximum power (Per module) 240W DC, 2000 VA AC Thermal Offset <3µV differential OPTION 014 44474A Sixteen Bit Digital I/O Modulemax. voltage +30V DC (Line-Chassis) Output Characteristic Vin (high) >= 2V, Vin (low) <=0,8V Handshake Lines max. voltage +%V DC (Line-Chassis) Output Vout(high) >=2,4V Vout(low) <=0.5V External Increment: Advances 3488A to next programmed configuration on falling edge of TTL pulse, 0.25µs minimum width. Channel Closed Indicates completion of new configuration; TTL pulse 10µsec minimum width. OPTION 015 44475A Breadboard Module |