Four channel oscilloscope with selectable 1Meg/50ohm inputs, manufactored 2003.
The wavepro series is related to the wavemaster, SDA (Serial Data
Analyzer) and DDA (Disk Drive Analyzer). Risetime typical 150 ps. Search the web for information about the family, there are brochures and catalogues online. Visit also the manufactorer website, you find there information and application notes about these instruments. Please read also the article DDA 5005A XXL. |
Trace is thick in this setting. Thickness depends on vertical and horizontal deflection factor, sample-rate, BW-limit and input impedance. When adjusted to a faster timebase, thinner trace. Thick under high sample-rate and long timebase, because many noise peaks are compressed within one division. |
wavepro series has the advantage of a combined selectable
input, with up to 3GHz bandwidth (50ohm) and approx. 500MHz
(1Meg). The instrument can be used with common passive 10:1 probes,
50ohm cables and active ProBus probes. BNC connectors are capable for 3GHz, above some GHz becomes a BNC connector critical, this is one reason why the higher bandwidth DDA, SDA and wavemaster use special 50ohm connectors for a improved signal quality. |
External Reference Clock Input 10MHz. |
10:1 passive probe PP005 for the 7300, probe has 11pF, 500MHz
bandwidth. When using other quality passive probes, check if probe capacitance is within the adjustment range for a flat squarewave response, check the rising/falling edge of a fast square wave, if there are waveform distortions. See manufactorer website, there is a list which scope model fits to which passive probe. |
Active and passive probes:
Active probes increase the possibilities
of an oscilloscope. Passive 10:1 probe with 11pF is a larger load vs. frequency compared
to approx. 1pF for an active FET probe.
The 7300 (with actual firmware) can operate with newer and older active ProBus probes, (I tested the types above). |
See the pdf with 45
screenshots of math- and measurement functions. Instrument
has software options. A great oscilloscope for scientific and
industrial applications, a pleasure to use this software.
Pdf with 9 screenshots stored in the printer-friendly white-background mode. |
Sample time 200µs. Zoom shows waveform created by the Arbitrary Waveform Generator. Averaged FFT shows spectral components created by the generator. Frequency measured between selected vertical levels. |
Squarewave from AWG. Eye function sampled and overlayed 3589 times, with infinite analog persistance. A mask area can be added, for a visible safe data transfer margin. Eye functions are interesting for higher data frequencies, 2MHz is too low. |
Sinewave sweep from 10kHz to 100kHz within 10ms.
F1 track function measures frequency for each sinewave and displays the frequency as a track. Measurement level can be adjusted or set to 50%. It is an example for the combination of high sample rate together with a long memory. Such a track measurement can display the sweep linearity or a behaviour of a PLL. |
I bought the instrument in an
online auction with a fast 3.2 GHz CPU, some days warranty,
printed operators manual, software on CDs, together in an original
shipping box. It was a
feeling like receiving a new instrument.
Seller technos..... answered me all questions detailed and has knowledge about these instruments. |